Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Since I'm still so new to blogging, I have been reading a lot of blogs this week and trying to come up with blogging ideas.  One idea I found and thought would be fun to post weekly is "5 Things I Loved This Week".  It could be from Pinterest, my work, home, outings, etc....   The idea for this came from Allie over at  THIS YELLOW HOUSE.  Click on over and visit her!

I am trying to set up a schedule for my blogging because I, being the way I am, need some sort of structure if I am going to do thisI am having a hard time with this hit-or-miss way I have been doing.  I work better under pressure and knowing what and when I will be posting will probably work well for me!

Things are coming together slowly but surely as I learn the ins and outs of the blog world.  

I am heading to Amarilo tomorrow to visit a dear friend. We will be shopping, eating, crafting and laughing!  Good times!

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