I want to thank Bethany at BEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER for nominating me for a LIEBSTER Award! I'm sure she'd love a visit!
What IS the LIEBSTER Award? I asked the same thing! I had seen the button on a lot of blogs; but never inquired about it.
Simply put, it's an honor that gets passed around by bloggers with less than 200 followers. It's a great way for the newbie, like me, to network and meet others.
It's a way to 'Pay It Forward". Liebe means LOVE in German!
"The real "gist" of the Liebster Award is that there is no real award.
There are no judges, no special rules. No website with an official team
to congratulate you and hold your hand. It's mostly what you want it to
be. If you receive the award, you can 1) accept it and 2) pass it along.
It's that easy." Sopphey over at SOPPHEY SAYS
Stop over and say HI!
And here are the rules:
- Thank your nominator & include a link back to their blog!
- Answer the 11 questions given to you by your nominator
- Post 11 facts about yourself
- Nominate 5-11 {I’ve seen various numbers} other up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers for the award–no tag backs!
- Come up with 11 questions for your nominees to answer
- Let your nominees know you nominated them so they too can pass on the Liebe!
Here are my 11 questions Bethany asked me:
1. If you could live in any century (or decade), which would it be?
1920's-I'd love to see the Flappers!
2. What one meal could you eat every day forever?
Surf & Turf and French fries
3. Which TV show do you watch and re-watch, one that never seems to get old?
4. Which celebrity (dead or alive) do you want to have lunch with?
Elvis of course!
5. What’s the best vacation spot you’ve ever traveled to?
6. Do you prefer Michael Jackson or The Beatles?
Michael Jackson
7. What’s the last text message you received?
8. How do you like your tea/coffee?
1 sweetner in really STRONG coffee
9. Are you a morning, afternoon, or night person?
Morning & night, I fall asleep in the afternoons.
10. What’s your spirit animal? Just kidding…. but if you could be any animal, which would it be?
A very loved puppy.
11. What’s your favorite holiday?
1. I have 4 kids, 6 grandkids, & 2 great grandones.
2. I am a private caregiver for the elderly.
3. I love my job.
4. My passion is crafting.
6. I don't like to cook but I LOVE to eat!
7. I love the smell of new scrapbooking paper.
8. I could eat a large bag of M&M's everyday-but don't. Lol
9. I have a son stationed in S Korea.
10. I LOVE coffee.
11. I want to win the lottery. ( But you have to play it to win it. Lol)
Here are the bloggers I have nominated:
Please pay them a visit and congratulate them!
Here are the questions they ^^^^^^ have to answer:
1. What is your favorite craft?
2. And your favorite food?
3. Dog or cat?
4. I'm going on vacation, where would you recommend I go?
5. Who would you love to meet (past or present)?
6. What is your favorite song?
7. If you won the lottery, what's the 1st thing you would buy?!
8. Pepsi or Coke?
9. Are you a morning or evening person?
10. Why did you start a blog?
11. Black or white?
Thanks again to Bethany for the nomination!
And to Sarah, Angela, Darlene, Nadja, & Theresa-pass on the Liebe!!
(You ladies are more than welcome to copy and paste this post and add YOUR info. I think that will make it a little easier for you! : ))